Airsoft International Magazine Volume 13 Issue 12 – 12 Strong
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Welcome to another issue of your favourite Airsoft Magazine, Volume 13 issue 12 of Airsoft International. We’ve packed a lot in this month; our gear feature is of the latest blockbuster movie 12 Strong and how to get the “vintage” look! We have hardware from Taiwan Gun with their Cyma CM.076 Full Metal, Classic Army’s E.C.S Nemesis and Nuprols Raven Pistol all on test. We look at kit from Viper, Thomas Jacks and Enola Gaye, patches from Ballistic Designs IOM and have part 3 of our plate carrier series. Spring is on the way so it’s time to think about making a Ghillie suit and we’ll show you in 5 easy steps, we have more crye alternatives and Richie takes a look at some UBACS shirts for the manlier figure. Jason takes a look at Reusable Pyro, Jacob fills you in on the laws of owning a RIF here is the UK and Phil talks safety. But I here you all shouting “what can I win…” well this issue get your hands on a Warrior Assault System Plate Carrier!
On sale 15th March 2018.
- Description
9 Foreword – Find out what you can expect to find in this jam packed issue and also what’s new in the Airsoft world
12-13 Things that make you go Boom! Jason Green takes a look at the different type of re useable pyro on the market and asks “Are they worth the hassle”?
14 Patch me In – We take a look at the world of PVC patches and talk to the owners of Ballistic Designs IOM
16-17 Jacob Miller Takes a look at the law and Airsoft here in the UK
22-23 It’s that time of year again. We go live with the our Industry awards – your vote counts
26-29 “As slick as you’d like” – We continue to take a look at a cross section of “Slick” Plate carriers, there’s one to fit every budget
31-33 Dave Porter gets to grips with the beast that is the CYMA CM.076 rifle
36-37 We show you how to build a “Kick ass” Ghillie Suit in five simple steps
40-49 GEAR UP! – To a time before Multicam and Fast helmets 12 Strong
51-52 PISTOLS – RAVEN MEU 1911 may be a new brand, but it’s from a well respected manufacture
57-58 Crye-ing out for help part II – Big brand prices too much for you to swallow? Well we might have found some precision alternatives.
60-61 Richie Mitchell continues his column with a look at some off the peg clothing that’s readily available to the larger than average airsofter
63-65 We have some budget busting night vision for you
67 On me Head Son – Viper Tactical’s New Fast Helmet has landed and selling out quickly
68-70 Jason Green fall’s in love with Classics Army’s ECS Nemesis
72-73 Phil B Goes back to basics and reminds everyone about the safe handling of RIF’s
75-78 The Devils in the detail – The basics of Airsoft Maintenance Part III
81-83 Dave Porter takes a look at a “Master Class in Frags and smoke” Enola Gaye
85 Its competition time – This month you have a chance of winning this amazing Warrior (M4) DCS Plate carrier
86-87 Jacob Miller – Industry Insider
88-89 SUBSCRIPTIONS – Take advantage of some great deals from your favourite Airsoft magazine
90 NEXT ISSUE Take a sneak peek at the contents of the next issue